(CLOSED) Call for Workshops
The organizing committee of ICIP 2024 invites proposals for Workshops with the goal of enriching the conference program with focused emerging topics content that are not specifically covered in the main conference. Workshops at ICIP 2024 will be held on 27th October 2024 in both morning and/or afternoon sessions of 3 hours each. The specific organizational structure of workshops are up to the organizers, and may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes, and panels, encouraging the participation of attendees in active discussions. Submitted workshop papers should abide by the ICIP 2024 paper style, format, and length, while their peer-reviewing process should follow the main conference reviewing guidelines if the workshop organizers desire that the workshop papers be published at the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please read carefully the information below before submitting your proposal.
Required Proposal Information:
Each submission must include the following information:
- Title
- Duration: half day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours)
- Organizers: Names, affiliation, contact information (email and mailing address), and short bio for each organizer. Details of organizers’ experience in organizing related events should be provided (if applicable).
- IEEE Xplore publication: Yes/No
- Description: A short abstract with the main idea (around 200 words).
- Expected audience: Expected number of attendees.
- Keywords: List the main topics covered.
- Extended Abstract: Discuss the motivation, impact, and main directions covered (up to 1000 words, including a few references if necessary). Explicit statements indicating why the subject(s) covered warrant a dedicated workshop outside the main conference, how this would complement the main conference and its relevance to it, how it could generate a new momentum in the field, and aspects of novelty (emerging fields), interdisciplinarity, and synergies with other areas.
- Planned composition: Indicate the composition of the workshop. This can be made of a mix/subset of the following: keynote, panel, invited talks, and regular papers.
- Measure to ensure diversity: Indicate what measures will be taken to ensure diversity.
Inquiries should be sent to: tutorials@2024.ieeeicip.org
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be judged using the following criteria:
- Timeliness of the proposal: Importance of the topic in 2024 and thematic relevance to ICIP.
- Quality of the proposal: State-of-the-art coverage of the topic, coherence, and experience of the organizers.
- Spectrum of the proposal: Topic is of broad interest to academia and/or industry, researchers and/or engineers.
Workshop Logistics
Organizers of ICIP 2024 Workshops will be responsible for the workshop scientific planning and promotion, running of the paper reviewing process, undertaking all communication with the submitted paper authors, creating and announcing the event schedule, abiding by the Important Dates listed below, and seamlessly communicating with the Workshop Chairs.
Papers that are expected to be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore need to use the ICIP 2024 paper management system for submission and review.
The ICIP 2024 organizers will handle workshop registration, allocation of workshop facilities at the conference venue, and distribution of the workshop papers in electronic format. Note that workshop attendance will be free-of-charge for all those who register for the main conference, while a reduced registration fee will be charged to workshop-only attendees.
Important Dates
- Workshop Proposals Due: February 29, 2024
- Notification of Workshop Acceptance: March 8, 2024
- Paper Submission Deadline: May 13, 2024
- Paper Acceptance Notification: June 6, 2024
- Final Paper Submission Deadline: June 19, 2024
- Author Registration Deadline: July 11, 2024
Proposals for workshops must be submitted online by the deadline.
All proposals should be submitted online through the online submission portal.
You may download the PDF using the following link: